We are celebrating because Stardots together with Uppsala University Hospital and Sahlgrenska University Hospital just got awarded a Swelife\MedTech4Health grant of total 3 MSEK. Together we will further develop Stardots´ Parkinson´s platform and deliver even better digital markers and symptom quantification models that ultimately will increase quality of life for patients. We are so thrilled to continue and deepen our collaboration with Europe’s leading Parkinson´s researchers and we can´t wait until we reach the market with our platform and give patients the opportunity to have a more individualized and better care.

Some of our stars are toasting to the start of the Swelife/Medtech4Health project

Some info regarding Swelife and Medtech4Health:

Swelife – For a competitive life science ecosystem in Sweden
Swelife is a strategic innovation programme, funded by the Swedish Government via the Swedish innovation agency, Vinnova, and by the programme’s partners. We support collaboration within academia, industry and healthcare, with the goal to strengthen Life Science in Sweden and to improve public health.
Medtech4Health strive to increase the number and quality of new innovative products and services within medtech. In collaboration with patients, healthcare, academia and business, we contribute to increasing value for people affected by disease in their everyday lives. Medtech4Health is funded by the Swedish government through the innovation authority Vinnova and by the programme’s partners.


Check out an interview (in Swedish) with Daniel on our Parkinson´s platform, our approach to digital health and some general startup advice.

An excerpt (in Swedish):

“För Stardots är utmaningarna många och de är inte av det lättare slaget. Tvärtom. Siktet är att bli ett stort bolag inom området digital hälsa med bas i Uppsala. Neurologi betraktas som ett av de svåraste områdena inom sjukvården. Det handlar också om regulatoriska utmaningar och inte minst – att få tag på rätt kompetens. På bara några månader har företagets personalstyrka vuxit från 1 till 11 medarbetare och Daniel är tydlig – bolaget har ett superbra team. Ett team som hela tiden växer med nya medarbetare.”

Read more here: https://uuinvest.se/stardots-daniel-petrini-parkinsonssjukdom/ 


CEO Daniel Petrini


Stardots is pleased to announce that VNV Global AB (“VNV”) has invested an additional 10 MSEK in Stardots. VNV is an investment company whose business idea is through experience, knowledge and a vast global network, to invest in assets with a large potential for growth with a special focus on companies that has network effects. Other shareholders in Stardots include Uppsala University Invest, Stockholm University Holding and Linnea Capital.

Stardots is a deep tech company that brings together engineers and mathematicians with neurologists and life-science developers. We’re also sons and daughters. Grandsons and granddaughters. And our hearts and minds are set on providing neurology patients with a better outlook.

VNV invest in high-growth technology companies with the potential to become global leaders. With more than 20 years’ worth of experience, VNV is passionate about turning visionary business ideas into enduring realities. Stardots believe in combining ambitious ideas with well-grounded facts. Therefore, everything we do is based on human and clinical needs: Evidence-based, human-centric, and results-focused. In short: We like hard facts that help us do good.

ANLIVA™ is a Stardots´ digital health platform that provides automatic, reliable indications of Parkinson’s disease treatment efficiency. We are creating ANLIVA to assist clinicians that need to make the most of precision treatments.

Our aim is to attain the best therapeutical effect in each patient as fast as possible, with the least risk of side effects. With self-tracking and robust symptom monitoring more accessible to both clinicians and patients, ANLIVA also supports the ongoing shift to patient-centered care.

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. More than 10 million people are affected worldwide. The most significant risk factor for Parkinson’s disease is age. With an increasing share of the population aged 65 and up, the number of Parkinson’s disease diagnosis are likely to rise. Costs for society are significant, estimated to be $13.9B and $25B in the EU and US, respectively. Partly due to the requirement of highly skilled personnel at hospitals.

Our vision is that ANLIVA will become a new standard for objective, equal, globally accessible, and cost-effective Parkinson’s care.

We are thrilled that VNV share the company’s vision to provide patients of neurological diseases a better future in addition to seeing the large opportunities for our global product. We are currently hard at work developing a truly revolutionizing digital health platform for Parkinson’s disease scheduled for a 2023 launch.


We have just launched our new website and graphical profile (“Dune”), including a new logotype and branded images. The design system for the logotype is based on semi circle building blocks that can be combined to form letters, symbols and patterns.

Our branded imagery is based on a study of brainwaves in DBS treatment performed by MIT.

Stardots brand nature is customer focused, innovative, reliable and compassionate, which will be reflected in all of our digital health products. We combine ambitious ideas with well-grounded facts to decode the truths that help patients live better lives. Everything we do is based on human and clinical needs: Digital neurology solutions from compassionate hearts and bright minds.


Stardots genomför nyemission med VNV Global som ledande investerare

Uppsalaföretaget Stardots AB (”Stardots”) utvecklar en revolutionerande digital hälsoplattform för behandling av neurologiska sjukdomar med initialt fokus på Parkinsons sjukdom. Bolaget har nyligen tagit in expansionskapital med VNV Global AB (”VNV”) som ledande investerare med 10 MSEK. VNV är ett investmentbolag vars affärsidé är att genom erfarenhet, kunskap och ett omfattande nätverk identifiera och investera i tillgångar med stor värdeökningspotential, med fokus på bolag med globala nätverkseffekter. Bland övriga investerare i Stardots återfinns bland annat Uppsala universitet Invest AB och Stockholms universitet Holding AB.

Stardots molnbaserade hälsoplattform kommer att erbjuda en unik möjlighet att objektivt kvantifiera symtom samt erbjuda optimerad individanpassad behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom. Detta sker genom avancerad matematisk modellering av bland annat sensordata och AI.

Stardots plattform för behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom förväntas leda till kraftigt minskade samhällskostnader samt betydligt förbättrad livskvalitet för de över 10 miljoner människor runt om i världen som lider av sjukdomen. Plattformen kommer även att tillhandahålla en värdefull databas som erbjuder insikter i sjukdomen och möjligheter för vårdgivare och life science företag att utveckla nya behandlingar. Utöver behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom finns starka indikationer på att samma grundläggande teknik kan användas för behandling av Alzheimers, ALS, MS och andra neurologiska sjukdomar.

Tekniken och höjden av vetenskaplig innovation bygger delvis på många års forskning & utveckling och avancerad “deep-tech” från världsledande forskare vid Uppsala universitet samt kliniska prövningar vid universitetssjukhuset i Uppsala. Produktutvecklingen är starkt marknadsdriven där idén och drivkraften kommer från neurologer som behöver mer objektiv information för att kunna göra bättre bedömningar och ge optimerad och skräddarsydd vård. Intresset från marknaden är redan stort och Stardots har lyckats attrahera flera europeiska kliniker för den första fasen av kommande kliniska prövningar. Bolaget har även inlett samarbeten med välrenommerade bolag som svenska Tobii och amerikanska MathWorks.

Stardots plattform gör att kvalificerad vård kan tillhandahållas även på distans och symtom kan övervakas för att få en förståelse för sjukdomens utveckling. Utöver att kvantifiera symtom och klassificera typ av Parkinsons, kommer den erbjuda optimerade individuella behandlingsprogram med syfte att signifikant öka livskvalitén. Vården kommer också att vara mer objektiv och jämlik, eftersom den inte beror på geografisk region, sjukhus eller tillgång till neurologer.

VD och grundare av Stardots är Daniel Petrini, som har en doktorsexamen i beräkningskemi från Uppsala universitet och har stor erfarenhet från mjukvaruutveckling och dataanalys. Styrelseordförande är Hanno Lindroth, som är en erfaren entreprenör med mer än 40 års erfarenhet inom life science-området.

Det är oerhört tillfredställande att nu få möjlighet att kunna ta denna revolutionerande hälsoplattform till marknaden. Vi vill skapa en unik och patientfokuserad syn på vården av Parkinsons sjukdom, och plattformen kommer att erbjuda nya möjligheter för patient och vårdgivare att optimera behandlingen. Det som i slutändan verkligen räknas är betydande förbättringar av livskvaliteten för patienten. ” – Daniel Petrini, VD Stardots

“Digital hälsa och precisionsmedicin är kommande tekniker som vi på VNV finner mycket intressanta. Stardots besitter en unik kompentens och har kommit långt i arbetet med att ta fram en unik digital hälsoplattform som har möjlighet att optimera behandlingen av neurologiska sjukdomar, med kraftigt ökad livskvalitet och minskade samhällskostnader som följd.” – Per Brilioth, VD VNV Global

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:

Daniel Petrini, VD Stardots AB, +46 (0)70 782 70 01, daniel.petrini@stardots.se

Per Brilioth, VD VNV Global, +46 (0)70 892 29 85, per@vnv.vc


Stardots has completed a new share issue with VNV Global as lead investor

The Uppsala company Stardots AB (“Stardots”) is developing a revolutionary digital health platform for the treatment of neurological diseases with an initial focus on Parkinson’s disease. The company has recently raised expansion capital with VNV Global AB (“VNV”) as a leading investor with SEK 10 million. VNV is an investment company whose business concept is to, through experience, knowledge, and an extensive network, identify and invest in assets with great value-adding potential, with a focus on companies with global network effects. Other investors in Stardots include Uppsala University Invest AB and Stockholm University Holding AB.

Stardots’ cloud-based health platform will offer a unique opportunity to objectively quantify symptoms and offer optimized individualized treatment for Parkinson’s disease. This is done through advanced mathematical modeling of, among other things, sensor data and AI.

Stardots’ platform for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease is expected to lead to sharp reductions in costs to society and a significantly improved quality of life for the more than 10 million people around the world suffering from the disease. The platform will also provide a valuable database that offers insights into the disease and opportunities for caregivers and life science companies to develop new treatments. In addition to treating Parkinson’s disease, there are strong indications that the same core technology can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, MS and other neurological diseases.

The technology and the high level of scientific innovation is partly based on many years of research & development and advanced “deep-tech” from world-leading researchers at Uppsala University as well as clinical trials at the University Hospital in Uppsala. Product development is strongly market-driven where the idea and drive come from neurologists who need more objective information to be able to make better assessments and provide optimized and tailored care. There is already great interest from the market and Stardots has succeeded in attracting several European clinics for the first phase of upcoming clinical trials. The company has also initiated collaborations with reputable companies such as Swedish Tobii and American MathWorks.

Stardots’ platform means that high-quality care can also be provided remotely, and symptoms can be monitored to gain an understanding of the development of the disease. In addition to quantifying symptoms and classifying the type of Parkinson’s, it will offer optimized individualized treatment programs with the goal of significantly increasing quality of life. Hence, care will be more objective and equal, and will not depend on geographical region, hospital, or access to neurologists.

The CEO and founder of Stardots is Daniel Petrini, who has a doctorate degree in computational chemistry from Uppsala University and has extensive experience from software development and data analysis. The chairman of the board is Hanno Lindroth, who is an experienced entrepreneur with more than 40 years of experience in the life science area.

It is extremely satisfying to now have the opportunity to bring this revolutionary health platform to the market. We want to create a unique and patient-focused view of the care of Parkinson’s disease, and the platform will offer new opportunities for patients and caregivers to optimize treatment. What ultimately really counts are significant improvements in the patient’s quality of life.” – Daniel Petrini, CEO Stardots

Digital health and precision medicine are future technologies that we at VNV find very interesting. Stardots possesses a unique competence and has come a long way in the work of developing a unique digital health platform that has the opportunity to optimize the treatment of neurological diseases, with greatly increased quality of life and reduced social costs as a result.” – Per Brilioth, CEO VNV Global

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Petrini, CEO Stardots AB, +46 (0)70 782 70 01, daniel.petrini@stardots.se

Per Brilioth, CEO VNV Global, +46 (0)70 892 29 85, per@vnv.vc


Stardots is one of the companies featured in Invest Stockholm’s latest brochure:, titled Improving Quality of Life for People with Neurodegenerative Disease.

One of the diseases covered is Parkinson´s disease:

“Parkinson’s disease is another progressive neurodegenerative condition that can have a devastating impact on
quality of life. Around 10 million people currently have
Parkinson’s disease – although four percent of those
affected are diagnosed before the age of 50, the incidence increases significantly with age and it is the fastest
growing neurological condition globally.”

Stardots is very proud to be one of the few selected high-tech companies and startups that were allowed to show our solution to a very important and extremely difficult problem:

“The core ideas were initially developed in response to
neurological professionals’ need for progressive markers
of Parkinson’s Disease that would aid decision-making
and provide a more objective approach to this complex
disease. Unfortunately, costly treatment programmes
seldom reach their full potential, and treatment adjustments become more difficult as the disease progresses.
The Stardots platform is built upon many years of R&D and
clinical trials at Uppsala University. The patient uploads
sensor data to the platform from, for example, tremor,
eye-tracking, blink-rate, speech, and gait measurements.
The system then allows care to be provided remotely by
non-specialist staff, and symptoms can be monitored to
gain an understanding of the progression of the disease.
The platform is modular, highly scalable and cost-effective. In additional to quantifying symptoms and classifying subtype of Parkinson’s, it will provide guidance
for optimised individual treatment programmes. Fewer
assessments will be needed, leading to lower associated
costs. Also, care will be more objective and equitable,
as it will not depend on geographical region, hospitals
or neurological professionals”

We thank Invest Stockholm and Ylva Hultman, Head of Life Science for the opportunity to showcase our platform and vision.


Stardots is hiring!

Do you want to help us build one of the most advanced digital health platforms and increase quality of life for the millions of patients suffering from Parkinson´s disease? Stardots is offering you the challenge of a lifetime and working with an incredible talented team of scientists and entrepreneurs. We are assuming that you are a seasoned programmer with experience in cloud services, back-end solutions and various client-side applications, in addition to manage and lead larger software projects.

If this sounds interesting, do not hesitate to send in your resume to job@stardots.se

Individual heroes need not apply.


We are welcoming Uppsala University Holding (UUH) to Stardots. UUH is the University’s holding company. It is owned by the Swedish State and controlled by Uppsala University and is enabling commercialization of research results making it accessible to society. UUH has an impressive investment record including Q-Linea, Gradientech, Imint and Disruptive Materials.

Stardots is working on a cloud-based, digital health platform for Parkinson´s disease, offering symptom quantifications and AI-optimized treatments using newly developed, bleeding edge mathematical modelling from Prof. Alexander Medvedev from Uppsala University. The platform is a software-as-a-drug solution for a huge $250B global market and overwhelming human suffering.

“UUH investing in Stardots is a testament to the potential of our platform and vision, and we are excited and honored. We will continue to work hard to deliver on our promise: to increase the quality of life for Parkinson´s patients as well as reduce the cost to society.” -Daniel Petrini, CEO Stardots


“A service like AI-TRUST is of the utmost importance and the only way if we want a state of knowledge that enables us to obtain better treatment methods than those that exist today” – Lennart Petterson, Chariman of the The Swedish Parkinson Foundation

Our digital health platform, AI-TRUST, is featured in The Swedish Parkinson Foundation newsletter recently. The platform will perform symptom quantification and individualized and optimized treatment suggestions. In addition, we will offer MedTech and pharmaceutical companies help in their efforts to bring new devices and medicines to the market. We are happy about the recognition that will help us realize our goal: to launch a software-as-a-drug solution for a significant market: those suffering from Parkinson´s disease.

Stardots is actively looking for investments to bring this revolutionary platform to market in order to increase quality of life and reducing the cost associated with Parkinson´s.